This account offers a safe and simple way to enjoy the benefits of compound interest. It's perfect for customers who are just starting out or those who want to start saving but still need access to their cash.
- Minimum balance required to open this account is $50.00.
- This account is interest bearing.
- Interest is compounded semi-annually and paid semi-annually into this account.
- Unlimited number of withdrawals may be made in person.
- Unlimited number of deposits may be made.
- According to Federal Regulation D, no more than six withdrawals or transfers to another account by means of preauthorized or automatic transfer or telephone order may be made during the month.
- A fee of $.50 will be imposed for each transfer or withdrawal after six during the month.
- A minimum balance fee of $5.00 will be imposed every month if the balance of the account falls below $50.00 any day of the month.
View our rates.